Whilst doing research for my third book, I have come across a lot of information about ‘resurrection’ and its original meaning. I had already been aware of its true meaning, but for argument, sake let us just refresh our minds a bit. For starters, resurrection has nothing to do with physically dying or being crucified or anything like that. The original idea of resurrection goes back to ancient Egypt and India, where the initiates would have an induced near-death experience or experience deep meditative states in order to come back from the other side with wisdom and knowledge. John the Baptist, Jesus and St. John were all Essenes, who practised these concepts also. As were the Templars, who sought out ancient sacred sites on which to do so – using the Earth’s natural energies, like Ley lines and power points to enhance their experiences in consciousness. Resurrection is awakening; awakening to the Christ within us all. But the whole concept of resurrection has been twisted and turned down through the centuries and it is not at all what its original ideology was about. Resurrection yes, it is a renewal, it is the universal Spirit in all of creation as Christ consciousness; it is dying to your old self, so to incorporate the newly acquired consciousness. It is a resurrection of human consciousness is all. Resurrection is not just a pascal feast for Easter time, but for all year round, and it is never just a one-off event, no matter even if the Egyptians sought enlightenment, they never got it all at once, like anything it is a process. For me, it is a process of dying to oneself every time I meditate. Each time building on the previous. And it is always a work in progress, in fact, it is never entirely done. The idea is to crucify your ego and it had nothing to do with being nailed to a cross. But unfortunately, the Catholic church down through the centuries had sought control and wealth, so it suited them historically to manipulate people. It is only now in the last century and this century, that people are finally allowed to think and live for themselves. People have more control these days over how they think and what they believe. It is like the bible, most of it is a metaphor for consciousness and self-realisation, it was never meant to be taken literally; (check out the book from Neville Goddard ‘Interpretation of Scripture’). And as for resurrection, the concept is also primarily about hope. Hope of a better tomorrow for us all, for all of humanity and creation. Without that hope, there would be no point. And that’s why the resurrection is at the heart of the Christian message. Be it a crucifixion, empty tomb metaphor, the message of hope remains the same, regardless of how it has been interpreted, and that’s what is important. That hope is in the expansion of unity Christ conscious so to create a better world, and this is something we can all easily strive to contribute to attaining by our spiritual practices.

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