Christmas has arrived so quickly. I do not know where the time has gone, but regardless, it is the winter solstice on Saturday, December 21st. It is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere when tilted the furthest away from the sun. So from then on, the days will be getting longer as the light slowly returns. It is a rebirth as we come out of the darkest days and enter into the season of winter, to allow for the spring to finally emerge at the spring equinox. It is the cycle of life as the wheel of the year turns. And we all turn another page as we dive into 2025. Personally I will be very glad to see the back of 2024; as physically and emotionally it was a hugely challenging year. But with the help of my spiritual practices I have got through it, and now look forward with vigour to 2025. Without my spirituality over the last year and beyond I do not know what would have happened. Knowing that Spirit has my back, and was helping me along my journey has made an awful difference in my life. I am so grateful to be blessed in having faith in this process we call life, and I hand it over to God and to my guides to carry me through. I do this as I know fully that the intelligence that is in the consciousness of God is far better to guide and help me than I am alone. I hold a lot of faith in the unseen, but the evidence is clearly all around me, so I have no doubt in my mind. Because all I have to do is look up at the stars or see the birds flying high, and the sun rising every day to know that there is a force far beyond what my human mind can handle. I simply hand things over to the Universal brilliance of the divine. I let it guide me, and if I am making a New Year resolution this year it is to try to listen to God’s voice within me even more. Because sometimes I have had smaller murmurings that I did not listen to and at my own expense. These come in the form of feelings or subtle ideas that pass through my head, and for some reason do not pay attention to them, my ego thinks it knows better I suppose… From now on I will listen better and investigate every possibility that enters my head. I will listen to the God inside of me instead of my egoic self and not rush into things bull-headed. Instead, I will take more time to listen to my higher self, and less of the bull. So that is my resolution for the coming year, what’s yours? Have a very happy, peaceful Christmas and blessings for 2025.