I feel out of sorts the last few days. I think the energy of the coming full moon is pulling and tugging at me… or something, actually I don’t know. I have no idea, I just feel out of sorts. I can’t seem to settle into myself, seeking outside of myself instead of within. I know what I should be doing to remain grounded and centred in Spirit, but that my dear friends, is not always possible for me. It is also perfectly ok to be human, to feel out of sorts. No one; including myself, will not feel 100% all the time. So, go easy on yourself. Give yourself the space to just be, we do not need to feel ‘spiritual’ all the time, nor to be like a wise sage 24/7 either. We are at the end of the day here yes, as spiritual beings, but we are here in the capacity as spiritual beings to have a ‘human’ experience. Therefore, go easy on yourselves. Just like me today, or whenever, I am not always in top form. No one is going to be in top form all the time. There will be days we just want to chill, watch TV, be frustrated, or fed up. These low emotions are also part of the human experience. We are not here to figure it all out, for if we knew it all and felt happy all of the time what would be the point? We are here to enjoy the contrasts that life brings us, and to overcome our emotions so that they do not control us. It is a reminder also, that we have to learn to take charge of our minds. To not let the lower emotions win out all the time. As I said It is normal not to be 100% all the time, but, we can overturn our emotions, and that is important. That is vital as we are now waking up to the fact, that we are the creators of our reality. Because, remember, what we are feeling today is creating our tomorrow. Feeling good about life is therefore crucial. Feeling loved, secure and grateful is so very important. And no, nobody outside of you is going to give you any of those three elements; all three – security, love and gratitude need to come from within side of you. Never dear friends search for anything from outside of yourself. All is within; as within so without. Never lose sight of that. That is why self-love is vital. Self-love gives us the key to feeling loved, secure, and therefore grateful for life. I have spoken many times about self-love, and you can read my older posts. But, with self-love, even on the days that we feel off, we will allow ourselves to feel off, we will allow ourselves to feel lazy, we will allow ourselves the time off that we need, we will not seek permission from outside of ourselves, no, we will allow ourselves just to be how we feel, and we will not feel guilty about it. We will not beat ourselves up about it. Why? because we love ourselves. Subsequently, when we treat ourselves with compassion and love; when we can do that, it is then that we can give that love and compassion not only to ourselves but also to others. That is why it was always said, that you can’t love anyone else until you learn to love yourself, and I hope now you can see more clearly why that is. Because, like anything, it is only when we experience things, that we can fully understand, integrate and express them. In fact, that is the whole point of God becoming human, to experience itself, to experience contrast outside of itself. That is what we are doing for Him. Therefore, we are doing God a great service by just being here. We as spiritual segments are serving the whole. Without each segment, there can be no whole. So, no matter how I feel today, I am still living my purpose, you and I are all so important. So, try not to let the odd bad day let you forget that; (and me included).
- Method in the Madness
- A Cosmic Creature