November unless you have been under a rock has been an interesting month. Politics has been to the fore, and even though I do not appreciate the system we have inherited, for now, it is what we have. But please God this in time will change and for the better. That is for the higher good of us all and not for the good of only a few. The thing is, that we as a people have inherited a system in which we give our power away. We seek outside of ourselves for solutions; we leave it and look to others to run our lives, communities and countries, and when it goes pear-shaped we blame and complain. We are lazy because that is how we have been conditioned to live. We have inherited a system that leaves us powerless, allowing us to think that we are small and limited in our capacities. That we need something outside of ourselves, such as those in power to organise, protect and control things for us. Historically, it has been the church, royalty and leaders that we have allowed to run and control society, setting moral and political codes for us to live by. Nowadays, we think we are democratic and free, yet we are not, because again we are just giving our power away. We are controlled by the media, and by the governments that we put in place. Yes, somebody has to govern, but it can be so much different. If only we could reclaim our personal power; and realise that we are divine powerful beings of intelligence and are well capable of organising and running our own lives. We do not need to be told or sold a lifestyle by anyone; the entire population does not need to be told how to live by only the ruling few. Placing our lives in the hands of others and then wondering why we are not free, or how we are being moulded by the media whose only objective is to put fear into us so that we can be controlled more easily. A population who lives in fear are for sure more vulnerable than those who are standing firm in their inner strength. A firm sense of self, a firm sense of who we truly are as flames of light from the torch of God, is a big deal. For if we are grounded in our true identity as divine beings, then fear cannot exist. Fear is not found in God, and we are part of Him. There is no place for fear when you know that you are an eternal being of light. A being of infinite possibility, who cannot be destroyed. We do not need to look for anything outside of ourselves if we look more and more within. For it is within that we find our true nature, our divine nature. Yes, we need for now to rule the country, but we need rulers who are grounded in Spirit, we need rulers who operate from the bottom up and not from the top down. We need communities that are authentically grounded in self-awareness to govern, until that happens we will remain dizzy on the same old merry-go-round.