Today is the 21st of December and normally the winter solstice occurs, but, this year we have the solstice on the 22nd, as our calendar is not perfectly aligned with the solar year. This is a sacred period during the year when the gateway from the heavens is opened that little bit more and extra light floods the planet; raising our vibrations, filling us with love and light and divine wisdom so we can move forward and spiritually evolve. The twelve days of Christmas really are an important time for us to blossom and grow, we receive light downloads every year during these grace-filled days. But, unfortunately, we have inherited some celebratory traditions that are actually contrary to this special time. Some like overeating, over-drinking, overdoing it running around like a headless chicken, or on the sofa watching TV and other activities that keep us lethargic indoors away from nature. All of the above activities do nothing to raise our vibrational energy, all the extra self-inflicted ‘stress’ of a western Christmas fest has brought us more harm than good, and therefore we are missing out on the many benefits that we should be receiving from divine light this time of year. When we overindulge and overdo it we are in fact slowing down our energy fields, clogging up our chakras that have to work all the harder to try to clean up all the extra toxins that we are throwing at them this time of year. Also, we are not standing still long enough to integrate the divine downloads that the universe is sending us. Instead, we are cutting off our noses in spite of our faces, and we do not even realize it most of the time. Sugars, alcohol and lethargic behaviors do absolutely nothing to enhance our body, mind, and soul; all we are doing is throwing ourselves into chaos. Chaos and energy do not go hand in hand, it is chaotic energy that causes most of our problems in the first place. Good self-care or a good balance this time of year is essential in order to maximize those spiritual possibilities that are available to us during this time. There are other alternative ways to mark a celebration other than pigging out, going to the pub/club, dowing ten chocolates, huge meat-laden dinners, late nights, etc., just use your imagination. Choose healthier treats, meet friends for a walk in the park or beach. Treat yourself to more meditation time, take a longer bath soak (not in chemical-laden stuff; organic soaps and bath foams only please …). There are many ways to celebrate, but, do choose to do so consciously, and be aware of how you are celebrating Christmas. Christmas is a magical time of the year, allow that magic to work to your advantage, don’t miss out because you want to just keep doing what you always did just for the sake of doing it. This Christmas give yourself the gift of a Christmas spent in awareness, spent soaking up the great vibrations of light that are now available to us now, to integrate into our energetic bodies and consciousness. Simply allow that light into our lives, so we can pass it on and be lights in the dark for, yes ourselves, but equally important is for others. Because this is what we are here for to be beacons of light, to serve, to raise vibrations for a better tomorrow for us all. Now no amount of sugar could be as sweet as that!