Since the war in Ukraine started I have been heavily weighed down. Disillusion, disappointment and despair washed over me. I have felt so heartbroken for the Ukrainian people, and worried about what may or may not come. Regardless of knowing that the good of the world outweighs the bad, and that good will eventually prevail (but at a huge cost of course to the Ukrainian people), I just could not snap out of the despair that I felt. For those few days I was out of alignment with my inner being, and it felt bad. I suppose I was in shock just like a lot of people around the world. Thankfully I can say now that nine days later I am starting to feel a bit better. That is not to say that I am any less horrified or any less sympathetic, it just means that I am not going to let Putin and his war drag me down, or to allow him to drag down the whole world with him. I need to keep my vibration high, and my hopes high. And it is not just me; everyone does. We as a collective need to omit a high vibration to overcome the low vibrations of war. We need to keep in alignment with Spirit and be part of the solution and not the problem. Because, as Abraham Hicks said ‘the vibration of the solution is very different from the vibration of the problem’. The best you can do for everyone is to thrive and to stay in alignment with your higher self. We need to keep our spirits up and believe truly that good will prevail as it always does. I see how nature carries on regardless of what we humans are up to. I see how the spring is arriving, and with that the longer, brighter days and a new explosion of wildlife. I see the baby lambs playing in fields and the birds carrying twigs in their mouths to build their new nests. Creation goes on regardless, and this is a joy to see in itself; it is very healing and therapeutic. It is such a consolation to see the beauty of nature in a world torn apart, it is a pleasant reminder of how little and small we are in the larger scheme of all of the cosmos. As I looked up at the stars last night and saw the consultations of stars laid out as they should be I felt so reassured, so energised by their constant companionship and could clearly see that all is well in the world. It is only the stupidity of man that is gone mad and not creation, nor the creator. There is a consistency and great consultation in nature that we all need and especially during this uncertain time. Nature grounds us, and keeps us connected to the greater picture; the wider constant cosmos and therefore ourselves. We desperately need that essential connection and contact with nature and now more than ever. We are lucky to be in the season of spring because in this season it is so easy to become even more aware of creation, due to the reawakening of mother nature from her hibernal slumber. Spring is a signal of eternal life, of the cycles of life, of renewal and rebirth. We are alive in sad, and yet exciting times where great change is occurring and for the better. Because don’t forget, for spring to have arrived we first had to experience winter. And so, it is that from the ashes of war, the phoenix will arise, and arise it will.
- Spiritual Soldiers
- Shake the Shamrock
Love this Edel. Thought this might lift your heart. ❤️ At the moment we have 26 Ukrainian refugees in the Community Centre in Ballon and the Community have been amazing and gone above and beyond to make them welcome and as comfortable as possible. The hall is only a temporary respite until more suitable accommodation becomes available and we’ve had approx seventy five mostly women and children pass through. I thought you like to hear this good news from you home village. You would be very proud. Loved your book ❤️ Keep up the good work. Love and light to you and little Molly
That is wonderful, thanks so much for that wonderful news! Ye also keep up the great work! Best regards Edel.