I recently heard somebody talking about the ‘hour of power’. Intrigued, I continued to listen. The first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes of our day are the most important. Why? Because what we let into our consciousness and minds sets the tone for the day and night to come. That is why we meditate first thing in the morning and ideally the last thing at night. Meditation aside, if we wake up and check our emails or phones first thing in the morning or last thing at night, we are not either starting or finishing our day with light and love. If we wake up full of dread and therefore fear about what is to come during the day, then it is that which will be reflected to us. It is the same if we are watching violent movies on the TV before bed, then we will go to sleep with that on our consciousness. To set the tone for the day and night, it is always best to connect to God, and our higher selves the first and last things of the day. It sets us up for a good day ahead and a peaceful night’s rest. It is common sense really, but we will find that a lot of people are simply not aware of how they spend their time, nor realise that what they are involved in affects their level of consciousness. Yet, what and who we expose ourselves to greatly affects us. We energetically and consciously pick up that which is being given out. The same of course goes for our children, for at a young age they are like sponges. This is why it is so important to be aware of what not only they are exposed to, but also ourselves. And for us the first and last 30 mins of our day is crucial. So even if I can not meditate I do try to pray or at the very least ground myself and connect with the universe or something lovely and positive as the first and last things of my day. I try perhaps to read something spiritual or worthwhile before bed. Reading rubbish is not going to elevate one’s consciousness before one goes to sleep. Because what is in your consciousness affects your subconscious, and it is the subconsciousness that continues to work whilst you sleep. Without getting too technical; when I say work, I mean it filters down to create your reality, and how safe or unsafe you feel in the world. You will come to view the world as hostile as opposed to hospitable. We program ourselves by our subconscious mind. On awakening, we are in between the two levels of consciousness, so what we fill our minds with first thing is very important also. Therefore the best of all is to connect morning and night with the greatest force of all; God. That amazing creative, loving energy that created all is the best way to go, there is no competition, and nothing can compare to God consciousness. Bear that in mind night and day, and start to create some good habits for yourself…so sweet dreams! And enjoy your hour of power.
Love and Light