Listening to Tara Arnold recently on YouTube, I had an ‘aha’ moment concerning the importance of sefl-love. In recent times, I knew or felt the significance of self-love and self-worth. Yet, it has taken years on this spiritual life path to try to implement them fully, and I am still a work in progress. Better late than never, and self-love for me only came with time and a lot of hard lessons learnt. I will not beat myself up about it, as that is what I am here to do; learn. But now that I have learned, I for sure will try to maintain a sharp awareness of it. Because without authentic self-love, compassion for oneself, self-awareness, self-worth, self-esteem, and self-care cause inner conflict and separation. Basically, without self-love; one is not whole and complete. We may not ‘feel’ a void within us, but it will show up and manifest in one form or another, be that illness, accident or things just not working out for us. Consciously or unconsciously self-love affects our happiness and our state of being. For example, when we judge ourselves harshly, for things that we said or done, we are not showing compassion for ourselves, we are not demonstrating that we love ourselves. As Tara pointed out; if we let a glass bottle fall on the floor spilling all its contents all over the place we say we are stupid and get angry at ourselves. Yet, if a child had done the same we are loving, gentle and kind. We have to realise that there are many times throughout the day when we talk aggressively to ourselves. It is when that happens we need to back up and lovingly talk to ourselves as if we were that child. If we eat too much or put on a pound, it does not help to judge ourselves harshly; blame ourselves; or judge ourselves negatively all the time. The focus on self-love needs to be 24/7, watch what we are saying to ourselves in our heads as we go about our day. Remember that self-love comes from the higher self and not the smaller ego self, it takes awareness, time and practice. If there is no self-love, then we feel separate, unhappy and incomplete. For us to experience our higher selves in all our fullness we need to know and love ourselves. That of course will consequently lead to the love of others, but all love can only blossom and grow through self-love. Without self-love, we are contributing to separation in the universe, to love thyself is to discontinue the fragmentation of self and this allows for wholeness again. If not, it is like we are missing part of the pie, that a slice has been removed, gobbled up and spat out. By not loving ourselves we are dishonouring not only ourselves but the God within us and therefore this magnificent universe that he created for us. It is why it magnifies and gives way to the illusion of separation; lowering our vibration, the vibration of those around us and that of the planet. Awareness is key, so become more aware of how you are treating yourself, and the efforts you are making to be in alignment with your higher self and make adjustments where needed. And, if you have not been doing either of those, do not beat yourself up about it. Instead, praise yourself for creating awareness of it and make your way towards a brighter future. Because the future is so brilliantly bright.
Blessings, EdeL.