Yesterday was St. Patrick’s day. Patrick is Ireland’s patron saint, as he is famed (whether he did or not is another story) for bringing Christianity to Ireland. It is a national holiday, a day of parades, and of painting all things green. This holiday has turned into a national day of celebration of all things Irish, which sadly includes the stereotypical Irish behaviour of getting drunk. It is a day as they say ‘to shake the shamrock and also to drown it’. Many miss the obvious point that this ‘green’ festival falls just before the vernal (meaning green) spring equinox which annually falls in and around March 20th. Again, it is a good example of a pagan Celtic festival being ‘Christianised’, just like they also placed the feast of St. Joseph on March 19th. Ok, you can think that this was very convenient for the early church and a degradation of all things pagan being pushed back into history. But, actually, it also was a blessing in disguise, as it helps to keep these sacred times of the year to remain ‘sacred’ and to be observed. But, herein lies the problem; it is the manner and the modern methods of ‘observation’ that are the issue. Just like other major festivals on the wheel of the solar year, such as the winter solstice, which is now Christmas or the cross-quarter day at Samhain which is now Halloween, or Easter which is always celebrated the first Sunday after the vernal Equinox full moon. All have now gone too commercial and overindulgent in food or in drink. The ‘sacredness’ for most people does not exist. Many or may I say most people do not even know really what they are celebrating. Everything is now done in unawareness of the origns and meanings of these special times of the year. And it is a pity, as they are profound energetic gateways. The the solar wheel of the year brings with it massive energetic shifts each time. And we need to be ready for these energetic upgrades. So, we can integrate those energies into our own light bodies. Being drunk, hungover or full of sugar is not going to allow us to do that. We need awareness and understanding of what is really happening, and what we are really meant to be celebrating. Yes, all festivals and celebrations are great, but they need to be done in a manner that is conducive to what these festivals are really for. I say rock that shamrock, rock on spring and bring us back the Sun. Celebrate Christ consciousness, celebrate the influx of higher energies from the universe. Celebrate the longer and warmer days, but do so in a fashion that is going to serve us better. Celebrate Ireland; its culture and its contribution to the world, but do so in an awareness that St. Patrick’s day is first and foremost a day to celebrate the Sun and the Son, and it is not a beer fest. It is not a promotional day for the Irish tourist board, but a day for humanity to celebrate universal energies and both the Celtic and Christian wisdom traditions of Ireland. So honour them wisely.