God has always helped me once I became curious spiritually. First came the religious experience I inherited from my parents, my upbringing, my Catholic education, my studies and most importantly my own research. My own research has taught me the things that they don’t teach you in schools, or as a theology undergraduate. What I stumbled upon but, not by chance, were great teachers through the medium of books and the internet. What I stumbled upon was something far greater, something far more fulfilling. It was not in the curriculum of any institution but was free-thinking and universal Truths. I am speaking about how this universe actually works; I am talking about the energetic universal laws and unity consciousness. I am talking about the intertwinement of psychology and spiritual growth, for they are inseparable. Anything of any real importance I have in fact learned outside of ‘the system’ that exists. And that in and of itself should be setting off alarm bells. This is of course slowly but surely changing as people have more accessibility now to material other than the normal traditional rhetoric. (And just for the record; my post-grad masters in spirituality did include unity consciousness, but not the energetic universal laws.) What I have noted all along is how God has given me what I needed when I needed it, at any given time. God has met me where I was in consciousness each time and at each level. God does not give you what you are not ready for. I am talking about the spiritual teachers or books, or whatever enables you to grow. These I always loved and appreciated along this glorious journey that I am on. I have had many blessings and many teachers who have greatly helped me, to not only understand how life actually works, but how to understand God, myself and others more. When I say “understand”, I mean that I do not know everything, as life is a work in progress, yet what I have learned has debunked and demystified a lot of things for me. Therefore, I am happier and at one with my place on the planet. I thank God for the wonderful gift of all the information that has come my way, and it is my job to help others to do the same. The latest teacher I have came across is a guy called Michael Mirdad, he is a spiritual teacher in Sedona, Arizona, USA. This guy tells it as it is; he is funny, informative and very wise. So do check him out on YouTube. For he is definitely well worth a look. Michael Mirdad is all you need to search for him. Because, it is people like him that can change us for the better, people like him make life a lot more easier and enjoyable. It is better to watch a healer like him for an hour in the evenings or to simply tune in on your headphones when you are driving the car or preparing dinner. Watching hours of rubbish on the telly is not going to help you in life, but expanding your sense of God, self and others certainly will. Enjoy.